kwiaty nawóz

Cactuses - tips

The article is based on materials made available by the gardening company Hortulus from Dobrzyca , specializing in creating stylish gardens. We recommend seedlings and seeds from the HORTULUS gardening center.

A detailed offer can be found on the website:

kaktusy nawozy Cactuses are succulents, whose leaves have transformed into thorns, and the thickened stalk stores water, so that they can survive without watering for several months.

Why is it worth cultivating?

  • they have low requirements in relation to soil and water,
  • they do not require frequent replanting,
  • they are easy to grow,
  • they take up little space and you can afford them even in small, bright apartments,
  • they can be grown in conservatories, greenhouses, window sills, as well as in aquariums, creating interesting, glass gardens,
  • a wealth of shapes, sizes and colors, as well as flowers, allows you to create interesting collections, even on a window sill; in Poland, there are also groups of cactus lovers, the collectors are mostly young people, especially men.

Breeding rules
- we plant cacti in flower pots with holes, to the bottom of which we pour gravel to ensure good drainage. The pot for cactus sphericals should have a diameter larger by 1-2 cm, and for columnar ones 1/3 of their height. As a substrate, it is best to use cactus soil sold in garden stores.
Watering - the biggest mistake in growing cacti is excessive watering, sooner they will die from excess water than from lack of it; pour water on the stand only when the soil is completely dry, after an hour pour out water that has not soaked; in winter, cacti undergo a rest period and should not be watered then, only need to provide them with a temperature of 10-15ºC, in months II, III, IV only sprinkle plants to stimulate them to grow; However, if in our apartments in the winter there is high temperature, we can not completely give up watering.
Light conditions - the best position is the southern windows, orangery and greenhouses where there is a lot of sun.


kaktusy nawozy

Fertilizing - cacti can not tolerate the excess of nitrogen, we recommend the unique EKOR fertilizer for cacti and other succulents containing a natural organic component. we supply the older plants twice, from June to September, if we replant every 2-3 years into the new land, we can not fertilize them at all.

If you want to learn more about breeding and varieties of cacti, you should use the following items:

  • Terry Hrwitt, "Cactuses and Other Succulents"
  • Elizabeth Manke, "Cactuses and Other Succulents"
  • Muza publishing house, "The charm of succulents"

The article is based on materials made available by the gardening company Hortulus from Dobrzyca , specializing in creating stylish gardens. We recommend seedlings and seeds from the HORTULUS gardening center.

A detailed offer can be found on the website:

EKOR SP.J., Skórzewo, ul. Krótka 15, 60-185 Poznań, e-mail: , phone: +48 (061) 814 36 27
